Why did I choose the STEM field? I suppose that, when I was in high school, I wanted to choose a career path that involved making something to solve an issue. Specifically, finding these solutions through solving a sort of puzzle. At first, I wanted to try engineering as the concept of creating/developing a physical product to solve a solution was appealing. Later on, I found that I enjoyed the programming elements of the projects that I did in high school which led me career-wise to where I am today.  Something interesting about STEM fields is how they often interact with one another. While this may seem like a very obvious point, it is still interesting how these fields commonly interlock to solve prominent issues. For example, a math major can help a programmer design an efficient program to be utilized by an engineering major who is building a device to be used by a chemistry major. For me, it is the idea of making a usable product(program) that’s what interests me about the computer science/applied computing STEM field.


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